Tag Archives: Lifestyle

Culture Vulture

18 Jan

Aha I am feeling very smug and cultured today!

Gone is the girl of 2010 that spent all her time in clubs and bars. Welcoming the new and improved version (at least until my January detox finishes) who goes to ballet on Tuesday evening after work.

Sorry actually, The Ballet. Much as the idea of doing pointe work and wearing a tutu does appeal to me – and I have had many fantasies today that I am in fact a prima ballerina – I can safely say that elegance is not an adjective I have ever heard in conjunction with my name, nor do I ever expect to. And I definitely do not have the thighs to wear white tights; that will be 60 denier black opaques for me please.

But I was jammy enough to get given tickets to the working rehearsal of Romeo and Juliette by the English National Ballet, having never been before I was super keen. I soon found out that a working rehearsal means every now and again someone from the side of the stage will shout directions and more bizarrely Romeo was the only one in costume.

Conclusion; Dancer’s fashion is pretty out there. I have to admit I spent the first part mesmerized by Juliette’s stripy leggings and couldn’t help thinking that if Shakespeare’s heroine had been sporting this little number the whole story could have been radically different

Juliette: “Romeo Romeo where for art thou Romeo?”
Romeo: “Err I’ve been thinking, we should cool things off a bit. It’s not you it’s….your leg wear.”

But the dancing was incredible and from the point after the first interval they could have been dancing naked and I wouldn’t have noticed, (maybe a quick peek at the third male dancer who was really quite hot, but only momentarily) I was completely transfixed.


I so will be a ballerina...


Thank you English National Ballet for an amazing evening. I’m converted. And I brought some leg warmers from American Apparel today as a token of my affection. K xx